

6 months after Vision Quest

This has been an extraordinary year, so much precognition, will before consciousness. My time in Exmoor had a profound impact, it seemed to open a portal to the fertile void, an unthought known ‘knowing’. It feels like I have started to ‘understand’ at a cellular level, at a heart level, what I have ‘known’ the theory of, for some time. The mantra 'I step out of fear and doubt into heart wisdom' has been my companion and ally and, the 'clearing everything out of the space' experience in my circle, has been a powerful metaphor to live out. It feels like I am fully inhabiting the life that I have and the days that I’m gifted with, bring reverence and deep appreciation.


My Vision Quest with Hollow Bone was profound and transformative, I am so pleased that I took the leap.  We embarked on our individual Quests following a period of careful and helpful preparation at the base camp, with teachings, movement practices, discussion and ritual, and on our return we had a rich time of re-incorporation. The leaders were attentive to our well-being and safety, they were sensitive to our needs and the integrity of our journeys, and both humble and supportive; the holding of the group was impeccable. It was certainly a challenging experience, it called for steadfastness and strength of intention, but it was also hugely nourishing and rewarding. The experience was deeply impacting and the learning from it continues to unfold for me. I would strongly recommend it to anyone at a threshold in their lives when a new direction or opening beckons, or when a big question calls for attention. 





“The essence: Meeting myself, nature as medicine, removal of distractions...the quest was to strip away the distractions so that I could find the 'Me' that lies underneath. Along the journey I soaked up nature's medicine through every pore and quenched the insatiable thirst for freedom. The vision that emerged was very ordinary: a profound knowing and connection to my nature and the nature that surrounded me. I emerged well. The three guides on the Quest invited me to let my body slip into 'earth time', to pour all of  my wishes and concerns into the earth and to not limit what I may pray for. Their warmth and commitment to what they offer sustained me throughout my time alone, knowing that they were keeping the fire burning and tuning in to each seeker's journey. Their mix of experience and way of working together made the quest a community event and modelled how interconnected we are. They offer a priceless gift - absolute trust in your being a part of nature. 




I arrived in the space feeling rushed and tired, carrying a suitcase with wheels that made walking on the land difficult. I was offered a sack that I could carry on my back whilst my feet were free to explore the space. There was time and space to be silent and to listen to my body and the land. I remembered simple things: how important it is to breath, to sleep, to dream, to share, to stay still, to remain open to the life around me and within me.
Spending time alone on the earth was healing. Sharing this experience with other people was life affirming. Finding someone to remind you what is important is precious. Finding someone to offer you space to remember what is important is invaluable. In my experience, this is what Hilary, Rick and Gian Paolo do in Dartmoor, they offer space with sensitivity, grace and humour, following the teachings of the land.

Elena. Storyteller



I experienced the Vision Quest as a profoundly beautiful nurturing and supportive journey from beginning to end. A month on and the subtlety with which change is coming about is wonderful and illuminating. Thank you so much for providing the opportunity in which this was possible. A truly life changing experience.  Jo. Artist

Through hard work, planning, and love of what they do, the Hollow Bone team held the group in the most supportive and nurturing manner during our Vision Quest week. They helped facilitate a life changing experience and I'm utterly grateful.  Tom. Teacher

The Vision Quest was transformational for me, and this was only possible because of the integrity, care and authentic guardianship provided by the team. I felt completely safe and supported throughout the experience, and was very grateful to Hilary, Rick and Gian Paolo for their calm, focused dedication to our work. They provided exactly what we needed, in terms of guidance, information, practical support and care. It couldn't have been better for me, the experience has been exactly what I needed, and I feel profoundly changed by it, and profoundly grateful. Alison. Editor